Write here if you have any ideas or suggestions for what could be added to this game
Good demoversion of game. Optimizing and graphics smooth and pleasant.
But have ideas.
What about satmina bar for run and other actions (maybe) ?
When use the 3-rd wiew head can follow camera's turns.
Can to add mini invetory display in the left corner. Where watch to items you have (Got sketch. My skills is cringe)
About sound:
Can add the sounds of the forge when we on the central city?
A small suggestion: left mouse button fills the bars present but rapidly clicking is very tiring and when you stop, it goes down very quickly so you have to start over again. can I suggest, if no stamina bars, then maybe a slower rate of the green going down if you do stop clicking? Or maybe being able to hold down the left mouse instead, which could be easier if you don't want to click every time?
At the moment, you can try the 'easy mode' by going into the gameplay settings and changing the mini-game difficulty. However, this mode differs from your suggestion in that each mouse click has a greater impact on filling the satisfaction bar. The bar itself decreases at the same rate, but it fills up much more easily.
But thank you for your suggestions. One day, I would like to implement one of them, or perhaps even create an automatic animation mode without mouse clicks.