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why is there something called "?????" on the download thing?

A topic by angmills777 created Mar 22, 2024 Views: 622 Replies: 13
Viewing posts 1 to 9


he wants to kill play with you!


oh okay

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

hey- go to (an online virus scanner) and upload your download file..

just ran mine and it says its a backdoor/trojan.


no, it is the Uroboros project, which unlocks a secret ending.

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idk why I actually decided to download Mr.TomatoS xddddd


Bro it is scary when you find out theres a trojan


There is no trojan


thats a project that you need for the lore

(1 edit) (-1)

oh thx, i thought there was a trojan


its project ouroboros its important to like the lore and stuff but not that important if you're just playing the game for fun


ah, alright.


i dunno i didnt downlaod Mr.TomatoS but left it paused for a reason i posted a blog and on comunity should i download it? ( i also posted it on lol )


I`m a Frog