I've been playing this game for like 5 hours now, and I'm on the part of the story where you can't sleep because you "sense something...". I currently have 0 sleep and am falling over every three seconds trying to triangulate a tiny green glowing alien in the pitch dark. My ATV is also at the bottom of a pond because, guess what, my character collapses every three seconds because my hunger is low. I consistently go out to get tasks done and find myself absolutely hammered like I'd taken 20 shots on my way back. Without the access to turn fall damage off I would have pump faked slamdunked this game in my recycle bin.
Fun game, great atmosphere and overall design, but the physics damage and collapsing really disincentives fun. Seriously, as I am typing this my brain is preparing me to randomly collapse it has been that bad. 10/10 game, best one I've played yet.
P.S. Found this cheeky wee invisible guy while all this was happening. this game is crazy.