Please make and Android one this game looks so good I've tried the trailer and I loved it 馃ぉ
Hello friend, I might have a solution. Well, not exactly a solution but this is how it worked for me and I hope it does for you.
(It's better if you do this from your mobile phone so you don't need to transfer anything from your PC to your mobile using a cable but be aware that if you download this to your PC you will have to transfer the file to your phone.)
So, do this: Download JoiPlay. Just go to the website, click in Download. A bunch of option will show up. Click in 'Joyplay' ONLY. It should lead you to the MEGA website. Download it using the download button and once it's done, install it.
All right! Now, the trick part: Download the game from the website. Just google 'Download A Silent Statue itch' and it should be one of the first options. Click in 'No thanks, just take me to the downloads' for now and download the Windows version. 'Statues Win'. You will need to unzip it you can do it either from your mobile phone or pc, whichever you have choosen to do. Most android phones comes with good file managers that will do the unziping for you and ask which folder. If you don't have a good one, I suggest File Manager from Google. With it you just press the .zip file and select extract. Easy.
Now, unzip it to a folder of your choice so the game files can be easily found. The 'Game.exe'.
Now, open JoiPlay and click on the plus button. Select 'Add Game' and press 'choose'. Go into the folder that 'Game.exe' can be found and select exactly that. Press 'choose' again.
Now you must be at the part that you gotta give it a name. Just go with Statues and press 'Next'.
In version, just use the version of the game. It's not necessary but it's good for organizing. It's 0.9 atm. Press 'Next'
Now, you'll find yourself in the 'choose an image for game icon.'
In my case, there was already one of a butt there but if it is empty for you you can either try searching for one or leaving it empty, it won't matter.
Now, all is done but there's one last thing to do.
Long press the butt icon or whatever icon you have chosen and a menu will show up. Select 'Edit Plugins'.
Look for 'Chau_CustomResolutions' and you'll see that it is enabled. Press once to disable. Confirm 'Disable'.
Press 'Save'. It will confirm that is saved.
Now press 'Close'.
All done. You now can play your game. As long as everything goes as it did to me.
While in-game, be aware that if you press the upper arrow, and press keyboard by accident, the controls will change from default to a keyboard. To undo this just press the keyboard again to change.
If you ever need to use the controls, just press the arrow below. Since its a mouse game, mostly you will use the touch.
That's all, have fun!