Hey guys!
It's been long since I updated this page with the latest news but it's finally time for some other update!
The Main Menu
I finally added this rudimentary Main Menu to help you navigate trought the levels, to view the credits page and finally to exit the game without having to ALT+F4 it.
Another Track
We finally have a third track, the Palmy Sunrise, in which you'll have the pleasure to ride in a palmy seaside city with a sunrise setting. The track is still in testing phase and textures, lighting and objects may change and improve before the final release (they probably will).
Bug Fixes
I managed to find some bugs and to fix them (including the mouse that now disappears once you inserted your name, the insane times someone made on the tracks and some other minor ones).
Alright I think it's all for now, see you at the next update!! And thanks for all the support in making the game better by even just downloading it and giving it a chance. Thank you!