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Bugs im running into

A topic by Fruitfulowl created 89 days ago Views: 167 Replies: 6
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First off the big one is that Mira quest is stuck at a point where she just says she doesnt know what to do with the crystal.  ive had duel scene with vampire and she has nearly 150 affection.  Barracks is also repaired and i'm past the festival.  Also done her island quest to get the crystal.  The second issue I've run into is Mirel is to the point I've finished the racist quest and restored her bow to unock her first scene but i still can't unlock her marriage quest.  I'm on the current version so I'm not sure what to do or what I'm missing.

first have all main girls 100 marriage talk trey goes order marriage quest i could be wrong but that how I unlocked it 

I'm married 4 others so I'm past that point

She does says this and never progresses to the first scene.

did you had first sex and second cg?

  1. When all main characters are at 100+ relationship, you can talk with Trey to unlock the marriage system. The events before Mirel's wedding will unlock a CG scene with her and Liana in Ebron, but also multiple CGs with Ryen and Mirel. The wedding itself will show you several new full body CGs of Mirel as well. This how unlock mirel wedding

No I haven't unlocked her 1st scene, thats the problem and like I said I've married multiple others already.