I want raft free but full version
ok i have it... just tell me why you dont wanna support the devs for this awesome game...
Brief history of Redbeet Interactive and how Raft came to be:
Redbeet Interactive
Redbeet Interactive is a very small studio of three people founded in 2017. It is based in Skövde, Sweden and consists of two graphics artists and one programmer who all attended the game design program at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. The studio is currently developing Raft, which is its first project.
Raft started as a student project at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland fall 2016. A group of three students spent around 15 weeks half-time to create a prototype for a survival game set on an endless ocean. Said prototype was released for free on Itch.io December 19th, 2016, right before christmas. While the group was home on Christmas break, Raft was starting to get noticed by more and more youtubers and gained a lot of traction on Itch.io.
By the end of May the prototype had been downloaded over 7 million times and was covered by several major youtubers such as Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and FGTeeV. This type of response came as quite the shock to the developers. They quickly decided to keep developing Raft into something bigger and better. With their sights set on a Steam Early Access release in 2018 they met with Scrap Mechanic developers Axolot Games in search for an investor and publisher. With their common passion for survival games both parties felt this was a perfect match and soon after decided to work together. With the support of Axolot Games, the team founded the studio Redbeet Interactive, moved to Skövde and continued the development of Raft.
As I explained in another topic, multiple parts of the Steam version, including the multiplayer, depend on Steam API, servers and features to function (game will crash the moment it can't connect to Steam and will not start without it) so only thing they could sell here would be Steam keys. Selling only on Steam also mean they don't have to deal with multiple stores and they only have to monitor feedback on Steam forums. Not supporting Mac/Linux means they only have to compile, test and maintain builds for single operating system and don't need to support multiple graphic renderers (DirectX 11 for Windows and OpenGL for Mac/Linux). They also don't need to have Mac/Linux PC's to test on in their office.
Do remember that they dropped Mac/Linux support during the development of the prototype and last version released for Mac/Linux was 1.04 while for Windows it was 1.05b.