Hey! not entirely sure what to write here but I finally (after months) finished the first game I've made.
inspired by my favorite character from Genshin Impact, Chongyun. Get lost in a labyrinth while trying to collect the popsicles scattered around the map before the time runs out. It's pretty short, but very weird and chaotic. also, It is free! I honestly just want people to play it and enjoy something I made :)
here are some screen shots from the game:

for anyone still reading, thank you for taking the time to look at this. making this was fun (and challenging) because I don't have alot of experience making games yet. hopefully in the future I will make more things for people to have fun with. Making cursed things is honestly one of my favorite things to do. and genshin impact has been a big part of my life for over 3 years now. :) I made this on unity, and I have never uploaded anything to this website before, so I hope everything works correctly. please let me know if I did something wrong!
I hope everyone has a great day!