Client: 2011M
IP: name is NOVETUSSERVER all caps no password if it doesnt work when you try to join in novetus try typing localhost)
Port: 53640
Map: Universal - ROBLOX HQ FOR SERVERS.rbxl(this is a custom map)
Players: 50
Version: Novetus 1.3 v3.2024.2
Online URI Link: novetus://VStzWGZ5MmdJSFowN3FDMjVSVlZyekdwM1FTUG5HV0ZSa21aMUJwU2piRT18RGVqdGFWZnRFbkVWZWNEZWdMQzBMZz09fHJXdS92Mk9xRitYRnhCclRPUGQ3bUE9PQ==
Browser server name: TGA2023’s Server(hamachi)
Browser master server name: localhost
Server Owner Username: tgaoffical or the1gamer2audi3
note: owner can edit the server so if there is a impersonator i will open the client and say I will edit the server and add something in the server
rehosting the server :D