In Despair: The Lost One, step into the shoes of Harry, an ordinary man whose life takes a dark turn due to a tragic misunderstanding. When Harry accidentally kills a police officer, he is thrust into a desperate situation, fleeing from the law in a bid to clear his name. Despite his best efforts, Harry is caught and sentenced to prison, where he faces a bleak and uncertain future.
However, fate intervenes in the form of a mysterious person who offers Harry a way out, but at a steep price: in exchange for his freedom, Harry must eliminate three specific targets. Each target is part of a web of corruption and deceit that Harry must unravel, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the law and the criminal underworld.
As Harry embarks on this deadly mission, he delves deeper into a world of intrigue and danger. Each assassination brings unforeseen complications, pulling Harry further into a spiraling vortex of chaos and moral ambiguity. He discovers that his targets are not criminals, and each kill brings him closer to a truth he never wanted.
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