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Give your decree in simple yes or no answers, and help the kingdom grow! · By Graeme Borland

I beat the game in 69 days. Here are a few of the things I learned to do/not do. Spoilers.

A topic by Blazingnoob created Jun 02, 2024 Views: 3,544 Replies: 12
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(1 edit) (+4)

The jester is a total waste of money - ends up where you spend 700 gold to get 20 happiness when he's 'perfected' his routine.

The circus is always good

The vampire's mystic ball is sometimes good but usually not, being spooky costs you a population for no gain, accepting the nickname gains 1 happiness.

The mage's magic is sometimes bad but usually good.

I paid off the dragon one time, I would guess if you don't you lose a large amount of population. Later I was able to send someone to kill him and got a large reward from it

The gold machine works but only gives minimal amounts (with occasional slightly larger amounts). I would suggest paying the scientists for the initial investment but not giving them further amounts. The machine will eventually be completed.

The music machine was a bust. It made people unhappy and eventually had to be removed. The potions killed people. However, I don't know if you turn them down if that stops the scientists from offering other better things. I also don't know if there is a randomized result where sometimes they are good.

The foreign investment guy who offers a deal for our 'tiny, little town' mostly gives bad deals that aren't worth it. The only one I've found good and that I accept is the trade mission.

Appeasing the spirits - not sure if this worth it. It's 200 gold to keep them appeased. It's 1000 gold later if you turned down all the 200 gold requests. I didn't count how many 200 gold requests I ignored before the spirits needed to be appeased - if it's more than 5 then it would be worth it to ignore them, Otherwise the 200 gold installments is the better value.

So far paying gold to the ocean shrine has gotten me nothing. It might be like the spirits though with something big bad happening eventually.

I accepted the plant people and that has been totally good. As is accepting people from other dimensions. Pretty much any offer to accept people has been good.

In the dispute between kingdoms I sided with the plant kingdom and that had a net positive effect. I would be interested in hearing what happened for anyone that sides with the ocean people. It may be that siding with the plant kingdom is what caused plant people to grow in the kingdom.

I play the good guy. So I don't allow the thief to steal and that's worked for me. I also don't make any deals with the devil or sacrifice people.

I always allow the barber to raise his prices and that's been good. Same for giving the butler time off.

When the chest eats people (even though he's been told not to) I take the gold . Not taking the gold gives you nothing and doesn't avoid population loss.


Looks like the potion test is randomised, i got good result on the first try:
"The potion test was great success! We've imbued one lucky citizen with the power of super strength!"


I sided with the ocean kingdom and it turned out quite good too I think. It was explained later that the ocean queen only wanted recognition and once it was given by us, she was willing to share the marshland with the plant kingdom. I thought it would affect something related to the ocean shrine but so far nothing.


When it came to the plant kingdom and the ocean kingdom dispute, i sided with both and it worked out for me. basically, i told the adviser "yes" to agreeing that the marsh should belong to the ocean. then the plant adviser comes and i tell them yes too, and it works out and they end up splitting the territory which settles the dispute. Also, i agree with the chester thing and the devil thing, don't do any of his deals and when it comes to chester, only accept gold when he "accidently" eats people. I gave the dragon slayer sword to the sneaky girl and she actually killed the dragon lmfao, honestly wasn't expecting it. i only gave it to her because people were getting mad that i was taking too long. also, accepting the cog is a very good idea since the money made from it is like... 1000 coins. also, its a good idea to accept all of the business propositions from the trader guy because he brings in so much money.


I beat the game on day 65 so I see myself as superior to you

(this is meant in a silly way, very silly)

i beat it on 64 he he


pathetic. I beat it in 59.



inconsequential. I beat it in 57.

(Also meant in a joking tone)


gen question should i give the cog to the scientist? 


give it to the sultan


guys the gold machine is terrible don't invest

(1 edit) (+2)

The music machine eventually leads to a nighttime dance parties.

Appeasing the spirits eventually leads to friendly spirits in the graveyard at night.

Giving tribute to the ocean shrine eventually leads to dancing mermaids appearing in the ocean. If you don't you end up with angry mermaids and lose gold.

Here are my tips:

if the witch says, "I know the spirits are appeased, but we could give them an offering", say no. Your just wasting 200 gold

Always say yes to wizard.

Always say yes to jester, but if it gets to 700 gold, say no.

Mortimer won't punish you if you say no

Always say no to devil, but if gives you to opportunity to get 2000 gold, say yes.

Say yes to Chester. (5 people for 100 gold? HECK YEAH)