I think it would be cool If there was more bestiality stuff added to the game.
Like, random encounters with crazed animals such as horses, wolves, Etc on the world map tiles.
This is in no way a demand, just a suggestion, thank you!
A game about birds, bees, flowers and trees. · By
Hard agree. Wanna do the plappening too, rather than every single bestial encounter being bottom-only.
Like... Centaur is great, but lemme plap a stallion pls. Only thing that came close was a centaur-related soft bad-end. Not to mention, we get the Dullahan bae talking about plapping sheeps, pigs, etc... I wanna know firsthand hwat it feels like to be balls-deep in swine, dang it. Her story made made me so bloody stiff in spite of its brevity.