I'm developing a roguelike game, that will have lots of 2D graphics. They are pngs that are not too heavy, but as there's 111 monsters and 40 levels, each one with a quantity of graphics (probably about 25), it may become heavy about 1 gb or so.
I've been already several months making the monsters and it may take me more to make the scenes, and the protagonist pics. But I also have to think on how to put it all in the game.
I am looking at info of marketplaces like Play Store, reading that the main apk can reach 200 mb, and it's already 187 for me. But they allow to have big asset packs.
On other places without those limitations, like here in Itch.io, it may be good anyway to have the main apk small, and load resources from other files.
So my questions:
- Are Unity's asset bundles for packaging graphics and load/unload them ? So I could load the assets for the current level on runtime, then release them and load the next level ones?
- If not, how do you handle situations like this for publishing your game on Play Store, or similar places?
- And are these assets hosted on Play Store or do I have to own a server to host them?
Thank you! :)