I've released a short card-based RPG and I would appreciate some feedback! I was inspired by a bizarre combination of Pokemon, Gwent, and those Clickhole interactive stories if anyone knows about those. The writing is weird, and the combat is just as strange! I am curious what people would think of both the writing and especially the combat system. It's like a card focused Pokemon game, where instead of moves, the Pokemon have cards to play. Your party members gain more Funny (the mana resource of the game) at the start of each new round, and they get all of their cards back as well. If both players from both teams that are sent out to duel go on Break (not able to do anything), the current round ends and a new one begins. The How To Play in the page explains more. I'd like some honest critique on it. I had a lot of fun testing it out, but it could definitely be smoothed out. I was hoping players could give me some feedback to improve my writing or this combat system. Thank you for taking the time to read!