Hello, I'm a new Deepdwn customer this week. Overall an excellent tool; the table editor in particular is outstanding.
One sorely missing feature is custom heading ID support (per the Markdown Guide here: https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/#heading-ids).
This feature is more or less must have for me, and presumably anyone working with documents containing non-unique headings. This is common in longer documents, and particularly in documents composed from multiple source files.
Custom Heading IDs would enable links to point to each specific heading instance, regardless of the uniqueness (or otherwise) of the heading text. E.g.,
## Brown Bears {#my-1st-custom-id}
#### Brown Bears {#my-2nd-custom-id}
In terms of editor-user experience, it would be nice if the custom ID markdown was rendered darker than the heading text itself, as are the ATX Heading hashes (###).
Please consider adding custom heading ID support soon !