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[WRITING] Producing something Magical takes a Team!

A topic by BasicHiro created 25 days ago Views: 160 Replies: 2
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My Name is Jacob or BasicHiro.

I have a vision for a gaming Magazine inspired by classic magazines like Nintendo Power. Something that delivers what gamers want and need. My favorite part of classic Video game Magazines were the Guides. I feel we have left that part of gaming to the developers, but there are so many games out there that deserve guides.

I intend to focus on the Indie scene. The culture of indie games today feels much more like what you would expect from classic game development. Where every game has its special sauce. That thing that no other game can copy.

We don't want to create something without bringing in influence from today's Gamer Magazines. Today we can find high quality articles about the culture of video games. The magazine should be prepared to write about meaningful topics and trends in gaming culture on a regular basis.

If you have read this far, Thank you! Rome was not built in a day and not built by just one lone individual. Rome took years to build and many, many hands.

I need your extremely talented hands to help bring this magazine to life. "It's Alive!"

We are looking for writers, reviewers, and a social media genius.

If you are interested in Indie Video Games and have a passion for Writing please give us a comment or DM.

NOTE: This is a small team with no income, just as many of the indie game development teams on, please come ready to grow with us.

Hey guys!

Sounds like a great concept. I would love to get involved as a writer. You can reach me on Discord at: y2kMarc.


Thank you for your interest. Reached out via Discord.