Hey everyone,
I've recently uploaded a playtest document for Dungeon Girls to the Songbirds page. This is the next evolution of Songbirds and I want to keep it free for everyone to follow along the continued development.
Is it intended to be a live version during active dev phase?
Is it updated more often than pdf download?
I'm currently reading a and writing weird amounts of game stuff and realising it's handy to have a simple folder for all PDFs or like. I rejected folders, i just use YourName — BookNname ± what is it.
off-topic, but important, do you by any chance have a fav marketplace for digital manga? maybe not amazon and not subscription, but digital. Azam Raharjo is on itchio, but Nihei Tsutomu and his NOiSE is not. And
there are some images
that haunted me for too long.
also i think you are cool and thank you for nerves games rpg reading list. i hope i will grow and share my list with you someday soon