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I Wanna Lockpick

A strange puzzle game about matching colored keys and doors. · By LAWatson

is there a new editor coming?

A topic by Pool_E created 21 days ago Views: 107 Replies: 2
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it would be nice if there was an editor to make new worlds, levels, even more moddy things like new effects or keys or door types, and it wouold be cool to try everything that you could that wasn't in the main game, like (rot13ed) hfvat v-ivrj gb nibvq bcravat qbbef jvgu ab vzntvanel pbclvrf.

There’s already a tool to make new levels in, L4Vo5’s Lockpick Editor, which includes all of the non-Salvage mechanics from the original (and I believe Salvages are planned for an update). L4Vo5 doesn’t seem to intend on adding fanmade mechanics, but he’s also made the project open-source, so I imagine that someday someone (perhaps myself; I do intend to try my hand at this at some point) will make a version of it with additional mechanics added in.
