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My bug report, plus other annotations

A topic by Papel created Jun 25, 2024 Views: 134
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(4 edits) (+1)

* Framerate is terrible. This isn't due to graphics, because setting the quality to low and resolution to 640x480 doesn't change a digit of frames per second (also, I'm on an i7-7700 with 16GB RAM and GTX1070 with 8GB). On this regard, I need to ask you, have you set up some sort of LOD (Level of Detail) or any sort of Object Occlusion? Both can help with performance, the former should be easier to implement. Another thing, looking at the mirror, it's clear that a good portion of the city shows up mirrored. Is there a full copy of the city being processed just to show on the mirror? As in, if you could "jump into" the mirror, would you get to visit any point of the city?

  * Still on the topic of performance, is every window in every building a "cube"? I've noticed that all interiors look 3D, the angle you look at them is always believable. But if every building is like this, then it's very likely that they're contributing to bad performance, as each window would be 10 extra faces of a 3D object. As many buildings have over 400 such windows, with the taller ones going over 800, that's a lot of extra processing for effectively nothing. I've also noticed that lights are turned on and off at different times for different groups of windows. Depending on how the logic for this is programmed, that could also affect performance. Sure, it looks pretty, but I bet most players would gladly trade that for flat interiors with great performance. That or have the LOD so to not render interiors of buildings farther than 200 meters of the player and simplify buildings farther than 500m.

  * One way to be sure that these buildings are affecting performance would be to create a copy of the city map and remove half of all buildings. A higher FPS would leave no doubt

* [BUG] The very first time the game is run, the "Load" button on the main menu should be grayed out. I can click it on the first run, or after deleting my save folder, and it will "load" to 100%, but the spinning load screen is all that will show. Interestingly, the game appears to be running, as pressing ESC shows the buttons, but not the inventory. M pauses the spinning, but doesn't actually show the map. It's interesting to note that the spin also slows down to match the framerate of the game, so it seems that all the graphics are loaded and being processed.

* Character creation is a bit of a hassle, as the camera is fixed and you can't turn the character around, which means you can't inspect the hair entirely. The close-up camera also puts the head slightly off-center to the right.

* All that empty space in chargen, between the left and right buttons for each part, could be filled with a number to indicate which is being used, like Face 3, Skin 1, Headwear 5, etc.

* For skins 1 and 3 (white, light brown), there's a clear difference in the tone of the face and the rest of the body's tone. For the light brown, the face looks yellowish compared to the body

* The very first click on the Mask shows nothing. Only the second starts looping through the one option or nothing.

* [BUG] If you start the game without ever clicking the mask options, you will start with the mouth mask. If you never change your pants, you will start with the jeans shorts instead of the black pants. Given the point above, my guess is that chargen defaults to the mask (option 1?) and the first click cycles to no mask (option 0?), same for pants.

* You can have a "blank" name, by not inputting anything. At least it doesn't break anything in the game.

* The starting text mentions that, due to being human, you "will need to conceal your identity with a helmet". It seems like you've gave up on this idea, because not only there isn't an option to toggle a helmet or mask, making a character without any head gear makes no difference when talking to girls.

* Text/chatter having no textbox/frame looks very off. You never know if you're in "chat mode" until the letters start appearing. Even a white border with black, half transparent background would make it look much better. I'd also recommend using a smaller font size (my educated guess is that you're using size 24, 18 would probably work fine) to fit in 5 lines of text in that same vertical space.

* [BUG] There's a very high chance that trying to place any furniture at your home will just make it disappear (get under the floor?) - This is significantly easier with 3rd person camera. Low framerate also seems to affect the probability, with lower frames making it more likely to happen. 

* There's no button to go back to the main menu or to quit the game. You have to alt-f4, then open the game again if you want/need to get back to the main menu

* [VISUAL] When you load a game during play, there's a very weird "slingshot" camera pan back to your home

* The aim reticle could be used as a way to tell if the thing the player is looking at is within range of the hookshot. For instance, make it a green cross if the hookshot can land properly.

* Add some sort of visual cue or different graphic to the rocketpack's fuel to indicate that it's enabled. This is useful for 1st person mode, as you're not seeing the trail behind you. A highlight around the bar, or a different color, would suffice.

* When doing deliveries, the arrow in 1st person is wonky, since it aligns with the character's head instead of being "independent". It can often appear to "dance" or point to wrong directions.

* Places that spawn to pick up a delivery lack interior light. This makes the rooms very hard to navigate during late hours

* [BUG] Sometimes, pressing both hookshot buttons in quick succession might "fuck up" your movement. You have to turn off the jetpack to get normal movement again - One way I found to replicate this, is to jump and mash Q/E while moving forward, then try to start circling around (A, S and D movement) where the shots landed. 

* The hookshot works significantly better in 1st person than in 3rd.

* Every exterior staircase currently lacks collision.

* Once you start talking to a girl, the mouse will automatically go to the center of the screen. For someone quickly pressing the mouse button to advance the text, this will almost always end up selecting "I got a gift for you" before the options even show properly - This "mouse auto center window" is extremely annoying while fucking a girl, as it'll highlight "let's stop"

* When talking to a girl, I believe having the 1st person camera focus on the girl's head, instead of resetting to the player's default "zero", would work better

* Sometimes, when you do the question minigame, after you answer, the conversation just ends, without the girl saying her remark, though you still get the affection increase/decrease.

* [BUG] Cassandra (pink cat) and Sara (orange foxgirl) can ask if the player is "A family oriented person". Answering "Yes" will softlock the game, only M works, but ESC, WASD, mouse, everything else stops working. The game will still flow as if nothing happened. I suspect any other girl that uses the same "personality" (same answers to like/dislikes) as them will also have this bug.

* At the Anthro Customization, while editing any girl, pressing M will immediately close the window

* [BUG] If you click "FINISH" during Anthro Customization while the Shader Settings window is enabled, it won't close the Shader window.

* [BUG] The Anthro Customization (once you're editing a girl) doesn't pause the game. I've entered it one time while near Sara, and clicking anywhere started a conversation with her. I had to close the window with ESC, as none of the buttons responded anymore.

* [BUG] Still on the Anthro Customization, Shader settings apply to the girl even if you cancel the editing, whether by pressing M or ESC.

* The button listing the girls in the Anthro Customization are needlessly big. Using 25% of the size would be perfectly sized for any computer screen.

* Anthro Customization could really use a "RESET" button, to get a girl back to her default, and a "CANCEL" to close the window without changing anything

* Talking to the shopkeeper, while browsing the available items, it doesn't show your current money.

* [VISUAL] After inviting a girl home, I've used the "Come here with me" option and the bed. My character was floating a significant height above the bed. This happened a second time when interacting with the sofa, but one time out of 2.

* [VISUAL] If you invite a girl, ask her to dance, then select "Come here with me", she will keep dancing on the selected furniture.

* [BUG] If you get a girl to a furniture and she asks to fuck you, if you choose "Yes", then "Nevermind", you will be stuck in the sitting animation and freecam mode, but you can still move your character.

* [BUG] Some positions, like doggystile and reverse cowgirl, if your aim in 1st person is not straight towards the girl, you won't be able to interact with her in freecam mode

* [BUG] If you end a date with a girl still dancing, the next girl that comes over will have "Stop dancing" among the options.

* [VISUAL] If a date ends while the girl is dancing, she will still be dancing outside. Loading a game during gameplay doesn't fix this.

* Once a girl is invited to your home, she will just walk between corners, going through any furniture without collision.

* During sex, having the camera position reset whenever it touches a character makes no sense. Just make it collide with them, or let it fly through.

* Still on the camera during sex, it's better to have it collide with the walls of your home, rather than resetting its position whenever it gets too far.

* Your home really needs a different light source, or a way to change the light color. Having everything neon pink gets old quick.

* [BUG] The freecam during sex has "infinite acceleration" - if you hold any movement direction, it will keep gaining speed, resetting back to its initial position, but going slightly farther away each time

* The map desperately needs more alleyways. Having entire city blocks' interiors completely sealed to pedestrians, or with only one way in and out, makes no sense. If you need some inspiration on a city map design, just play Cities Skylines or Sim City 4

* [BUG] Some physics are still processed while the game is paused (ESC Menu) - You can see this if you find any bunny girl. Jump, then pause the game while falling or once you land. Depending on where she is in your view, you'll see the ears "float" or "stretch" up behind the menu

* Falling on the water and being teleported back home really sucks, especially during deliveries. I believe you could define a variable on every player jump, getting his X-Y coordinates, and using it as the respawn checkpoint instead.