So. I like this game. I like this game a lot. I've played this game for years. A while back, I begun cataloging my plants. Hundreds of plants. Specifically, 1757 plants at the time of writing this. I've gotten to the point where every 20 or so plants I buy, it tells me I can't study this plant because I already know about it. In other words, I have a lot of [bleep]ing data. The link to the sheet where everything is contained is here.
EDIT: Unfortunately, it seems I am unable to post the graphs in this post. I apologize for the inconvenience. Everything is still in the google sheet, including the graphs. As a brief summary, I have one 6-star plant, two 5-star plants, sixteen 4-star plants, sixty-five 3-star plants, and ample amounts of 2-, 1-, and 0- stars.
Do whatever you'd like with this data. All the codes and stars are in the sheet I linked, as is a form to submit your own plants to this sheet if you'd like to grow this data.
I don't know why I made this, honestly. I guess I hope one of y'alls will find it useful in some way.