Hey there! My friend and I were looking for fun games to play together for some videos and we found Detective Chirpums in a bundle with another game. We were very excited to find a story based point and click we could have some fun with.
The game itself plays very nicely and the graphics and character are are phenomenal. We only noticed a few things that made it a little difficult for us; the text was a bit small for the size of the text box there is to utilize and I would live to see the color of the text change depending on who is speaking. I liked the fact that the music was used sparingly throughout the game, but I did find the total silence a little deafening during other parts, Perhaps some white background city sounds could be added in a future patch? Overall though, these things did not dampen our absolute LOVE for this game! We are making a short series on YouTube with this. I hope you don't mind. =) Parts 2 and 3 will be up in the near future.