A vore eroge merging SRPG gameplay and Gacha simulation! 路 By Cyrk
At the moment I have not seen any intentions to release a version for Android
well, I can only hope that you might make it in the future and if not, it was fun while I played it. It was a great game and I hope that it continues. I hope for your health and the great creation of your game Godspeed.
just wondering when the might the next update is going to come out ?
According to what others have stated in similar threads on this same game, it's estimated to be coming sometime this month
awesome i cant wait to play it thanks for the update : )
just a slight question can I get a more detail date i don't want to push my luck so its okay if you say no
Bro just be patient,they already said its probably coming this month
real sorry won鈥檛 ask again
Cyrk said its gonna be before the release of the new Monster Hunter (28.2.25).