Hello, I'm trying to do a non-anal run, the challenge is to do a run whitout getting the ass penetraded even one time, but I got some problems, most of them can be avoided by some strategies, but mimics...ah, those fuckers simply ruin every run, most because the map just don't reroll it's events, so if a mimic is in front of a shortcut, I literally can't use the dawn shortcut FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING RUN, because the mimics won't despawn and I can't pass by it whitout getting my ass fucked, so I would love if you make that 1:you had a way to pass the mimics whitout getting your cheeks clapped. Or 2:the map, after some time, could reroll all events, even if in just a small area that you wandered
Other thing: please, make that our group consume less food, 200 hunger points ain't shit because of the amount of a 3 people group consume