Ooooh this is scary, there is still so much I want to do to this thing, but, I think it can stand on its own feet now, just about! And I am dying to hear what folks think of this approach!
Had a lot of fun putting the systems in place to make this all work, basic though they are. Most effort is definitely in the story side of things, getting a modular scripting thing in place that allows me to easily write out little story snippets and have it all just work.
Even if the player starts moving the actors around, having them do stuff while they are acting out. It’s so chaotic, but it keeps working ^^.
There’s even a rudimentary battle system in there, super simple, loads to still do there still, buit we’ll see where we can take that. And a neat magnifying-glass mechanic to look for little hidden stuff, lore, hints.
Anyway, here it is! Have fun, see if you can make it break, and do let me know if you have suggestions, frustration, epiphanies, or just plain fun : )