A word guessing game where you can guess "Jerma". · By worblir
Absolutely loving the game so far! There seems to be a lot of easter egg words out there, here are some that I found:
rat, byeah, shpee, short, green, AA, EE, OO, lala, scorn, onion and jerma.
Post more below!
Edit: found AMONG as well.
Found "Teach, Sussy, Enemy, Pain, Otto, Craft, Clown, Any swear word, including 'Zenis', and lastly, Meat"
gyas, rat, gooey, ayaya, life, pog, giant, peep, boat, doubt, eren, and king, an easy way to find them is to type in jerma because jerma randomly picks a voiceline to play.
Speen and Grand causes vinesauce to showup
"Tiny" :)
What does he say when you type tiny or short?
"NL" for a guy..... just a guy, dunno. forgive me for not following the jerma985 lore, pls
NL is NorthernLion
"yeow" works
any swear words
all i could find is peep, jerma, rat
bugle for bugleberry!
I found "peter"
Meat works