Based on this discussion on reddit about the differences between text-based games (Interactive Fiction) and roguelikes, I decided to experiment with that topic in this year's 7DRL challenge. Also, my main RL engine that I was going to use broke last week when I tried to add better AI and I didn't want to waste time trying to fix it.
For the Mad Wizard's Maze, players explore a procedurally-generated dungeon with the goal of finding a set number of treasures and then leaving. The commands, UI, and interaction are all in the vein of Interactive Fiction (i.e., text-only descriptions of things, and an abstract space to explore). The procedural part is straight-forward, but I'm trying to make the game as content-driven as possible. This way there is greater opportunity for interaction between various elements to occur, and hopefully that will contribute to more of a roguelike feel. I plan to add other things that are usually not in interactive fiction but would give more roguelike-tactical opportunities, such as sensing nearby things (hearing enemies in adjacent rooms, or seeing light or fire to hint at the next room), different types of attacks, and a chance to evade enemies in a room for X turns so that avoiding combat to trigger a trap (or something) is viable. As I said, this is an experiment.
As my day 1 draws to a close I managed to get an ugly UI working and a basic structure for the game. Players can start a game, get a predefined location with certain items, and do some basic clicking on the UI to indicate what should happen. The next two days will involve making the basic actions and interactions work, which will hopefully result in a "complete" game (i.e., you can start playing, can pick up the only treasure, go to the exit room, and then win). Screenshots will come tomorrow, after the UI doesn't have a bunch of placeholder text everywhere.