Hello, I cant figure out a better way to post something so Ill post it here! The cyber hogs or Cyboars whatever youre gonna call em, are way to much of a nuisance, now I love this game with a passion but I cant love this game with the 8 boars out in my save right now, theyre like flies, you cant drive anywhere without bumping into one, and when they bump into you on your atv the damage stacks when you get off, instantly killing you, if you get hit the proper amount of times, I tested it, now besides myself, my poor kerfur keeps getting demolished, I cant let the dang robot do its job and I feel bad for it bc its just standing around collecting dust.
If I were to recommend something, limit the spawning of pigs to 2-4, and they only deactivate Kerfur instead of ripping them apart. That or Kerfur can be upgraded to have an emp device that goes off when in danger! I think the upgrade would be a good way to go letting the player work towards something that keeps bugging them!
Anyways I await further updates the game is absolutely amazing!