- Game version - 0.5.23c
- Your OS or if you are playing web version - Windows 7 - 64 bit
- Bug description - When you side with Hade at the mountains and return to Wimborn to fight the Council, the game goes into the fade in and the dialogue box pops up for a split second before disappearing and leaving you with empty windows. You can exit this by using Guidance from the control menu.
- Way to replicate it (if complex) - Far as I know, just siding with Hade will do it.
- Save file (if possible) - https://mega.nz/#!8nJnSIBR!8MdkcDNSRibevUHrogMl_VL-vCg57_1WAAk5-y5Eyac
- Any details you wish to add - If you click continue fast enough, you can reach the fight as normal, however, if you heal (you or a party member casts it) the game crashes as you are all at the base amount of health (200-220 range) and don't receive full health or energy. The password is my username: moohugger08