hello i just want to post i am very happy the Kylira gat new art [Added Urka x Kylira art!]
i am really like Kylira as a Character becuse she 1 the first Npc that you can talk 2 and invite to your cape and i thing she have been forgeted something form all the demon king and the khight and the other Update Kylira have alot of art that in the game but not ready like in the INN there are 7 act but only 2 have really act all the other just showing the same art this is very sady becuse Kylira is amazing Character that geting lost in the new Character that have been add and geting update ones par 6 Updates is my point of view
on the Patreon most of the plp vote for other stuff and geting outvoted so i will like more Kylira Update
# Kylira