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Cave Story Randomizer

A Cave Story mod which shuffles weapons, equipment, and upgrades. · By shru

Japanese / CSE2 Compatible Support

A topic by ChampionDudeX created Mar 06, 2019 Views: 554 Replies: 2
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Please allow the ability to use CSE2 and the Japanese original freeware version of Cave Story.

What's CSE2? CSE2 is a recompilation of Cave Story, made by Cucky and Clownacy. See it more here: CSE2

or find the Enhanced version (which I use) here: CSE2 Enhanced

Developer (1 edit)

It should already work with any alternative Cave Story engine, provided that that engine can load the original game files. (Which I assume all of them can?) Have you tried it yet?

Randomizing the Japanese scripts is not something I'm personally interested in doing. But if anyone from the Cave Story community wants to step in and implement it themselves, I could get them set up and eventually merge it into mainline.

Ah yeah, CSE2 English works just fine. But Japanese will help with randomized speedruns, is what I mean. Thanks for the info.