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The Deep End Of The Pool

A story-focused, chill VR RPG diorama, about a duck that is out of his depth · By naam

First update, small but good stuff, v0.19

A topic by naam created 16 days ago Views: 11
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Thanks for all the feedback so far, folks! So good to discover where the gameplay needs a bit more clarity, and I just love to get the last few niggles out of the way before diving into actually building the world and story out.

Again, enjoy! Much to improve still, looking forward to anything that jumps out at you! cheers, naam

Here’s what changed:


  • FEATURE: still short enough to just run through, so no save state yet! : D.
  • FEATURE: way better targetting visuals during and outside of battles.
  • FEATURE: way more obvious frozen-time indication during battle (color treat, sound cues).
  • FIXED: it’s more clear why Dunk sometimes drops items during kitchen chores now.
  • FIXED: better object highlighting.
  • FIXED: dialog kept disappearing (test rooms). Convos with Tido actually make sense now!
  • FIXED: spider no longer says “objectArgumentAssemblyTypeName”. Kill your darlings ^^.
  • FIXED: room shaders pickup correct skybox now.
  • FIXED: can apply items outside of battle again now without completely messing up the logic.
  • FIXED: veggie garden battle convo sometimes restarted.
  • FIXED: more reliable portal warping from room to room (if the rooms aren’t aligned, like with the test rooms)
  • FIXED: the grubs had no base evade effect, even though it triggered like almost never. Hung the battle that one time though.