I don't know how to complete this game. Is there any prompt or corresponding answer table.
Please, please
The whole thing is video game titles with the vowels removed.
MSS FFCT = Mass Effect
TH SMS = The Sims
FLLT NW VGS = Fallout New Vegas
BRDRLNDS = Borderlands
PRTL = Portal
GRND THFT AT = Grand Theft Auto
GD F WR = God Of War
TH LST F S = The Last Of Us
DM = Doom
MTL GR SLD = Metal Gear Solid
SPDR MN = Spider Man
CNTR STRK = Counter Strike
DBL = Diablo
SPR MR SNSHN = Super Mario Sunshine
MNCRFT = Minecraft
SKYRM = Skyrim
DNKY KNG = Donkey Kong
BLDRS GT = Baldurs Gate
STRT FGHTR = Street Fighter
TH LGND F ZLD = The Legend of Zelda
TTRS = Tetris
HL = Halo
HLF LF = Half Life
FF = Fifa
G F MPRS = Age Of Empires
LDN RNG = Elden Ring
DRGN G = Dragon Age
NDRTL = Undertale
CLL F DTY = Call Of Duty