Hey all, Ned here. I've been a composer and sound designer for over 10 years across a broad range of screen media. Some people who are into D&D may have heard my work as the sound designer and music composer for the hit D&D comedy webseries, 1 For All.
I'll keep this short and sweet - I'm branching out from the world of film and TV and looking to find dedicated and driven people to team up for game jams, make great games with, and create long-lasting professional friendships with! Please reach out and say hi if you're interested in collaborating, I'd love to hear from you.
my website: https://nedmcphie.squarespace.com/
Game audio examples: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/4657cdklr5mnqxur4vtk8/AAkdKap34LUoQ07p5PL2_BM?rlk...