When I saw how the game feels and plays. with its movement and timing - I was pleasantly surprised. When I learned you've made it in UNITY - I was even more surprised. It is notorious for having a very very crappy built-in controller which is only good for being thrown into the trash and then supplanted by pretty much a custom controller made from scratch for any game that has a JUMP button in it.
I've been wondering whether you have constructed the character controller from scratch on your own, have used a 3rd party controller (like taking one from the asset store) or did you take a ready solution and then modified it? Adding to that, are you relying on Unity's physics systems for gravity, dashes, knockback and stuff, or are you doing that in some other way?
These are kinda technical questions asked out of curiosity, I'll understand if you wouldn't want to reveal your trade secrets or something like that. It does look and feel rather good tho. There aren't that many examples of good 3d action movement with vaulting and snappy controls made by solo devs on UNITY going around.
PS: Saw this game in IronPineapple's video, so you can expect a lot more traffic soon, lol.