where can i find the Hermit cave
It located in the mountains. If you're in blackforrest, head north until you see Agnes. When you see agnes, head west/left, there's an arrow. Youll be in a field with cb/boars. Walk north until you see the man who buys animal stuff. From there head west again and keep looking at the top, there's an arrow pointing, that's the entrance to the cursed castle path. Once you enter, you'll see the cursed castle,. don't attempt to enter, you'll fight wraiths and you'll just cry because they're strong. Skip past the caste and maintain a course in the right. keep going, right and up north. You will see a cave opening, and beside it, a lil up left is a vine where you can climb and enter the hermit cave.
You have no chance of winning unless you use the cheat. Good luck.