Welcome to Verdant Shores, a once sleepy island town that has recently transformed into a bustling hub of tourism and industry. People from all over have moved here, looking for a fresh start or hoping to get in early and earn their fortune. For some, this is a welcome change, bringing new friends or even distant family closer to home. For others, the changes are introlerable.
This is a new map strongly inspired by Sims neighborhoods of old. Every household and family has a story, some more involved than others, and the stage is open for you to choose one to follow and see where you want to take it, or to create a whole new family and have them, too, move to this island paradise to seek a new home. There's more than 20 premade households to choose from, many of whom have relationships to other ones, be it family or friends or enemies. There's also plenty of premade houses, ranging from small starter homes to a full on mansion, as well as some less traditional housing options. Perhaps you will want to set sail in a house boat, or take up a tent in the lovely Fenwood Campground.
This is a very large map. Where Maple Springs included in the game is 280 by 192 tiles big (35x24 when using the ResizeMap cheat), Verdant Shores is 480 by 480 tiles big (60x60 with ResizeMap). Obviously the edges are all water, but there's still loads of places to explore. There's always people moving around and doing things. There's at least five cafes (more if you count a few businesses I marked as cafes to give them an employee), three bars, multiple parks and playgrounds. Even a makers space and a daycare.
~ Installation ~
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1et7RFeFYVkOPxKhPTbVR02C3l-el_NxB/view?usp=shari...
To install, follow the instructions here: https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/getting.html
No mods are required
Included in the .zip are a few goodies... :) Have fun!