SDL doesn’t recognize my controller natively, but SDL_GameControllerDB has it in its database. I unzipped the .love file and patched in support for the database. Then I dropped gamecontrollerdb.txt into the unpack directory, and my controller worked! My patch is below.
diff --git a/core/init.lua b/core/init.lua
index c7de670..cd22d73 100644
--- a/core/init.lua
+++ b/core/init.lua
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ end
function api:load_globals()
-- prepares the global namespace ofc
+ love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings("gamecontrollerdb.txt")
input = require("libs.boipushy")() -- now with sequences??
class = require("libs.classic")
lume = require("libs.lume")
It would be great to have this supported by the game natively. This will cause an error if the file doesn’t exist, so a little more engineering would be required. Maybe the game could ship with the file included; LOVE would still automatically allow overriding/updating it by dropping a replacement into the user’s data directory. Or a simple file existence check would be fine.