Hello! Thank you for your question.
We have researched this before. We currently use PyInstaller to package the game, but unfortunately, PyInstaller does not support building executable files for other platforms on Windows, and we do not have access to a Linux or macOS environment to generate the corresponding executable files. Therefore, we are unable to provide versions for Linux or macOS at this time.
While we may consider developing a server version in the distant future, allowing players to play directly through their browsers without needing to download anything, this is not our current goal. As such, it may take a long time before this becomes a reality.
If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out.
Thank you!
There are marketplace actions on github that creates binary for different OS using their CI infrastructure. Such as https://github.com/marketplace/actions/versatile-pyinstaller example using this action https://github.com/troglobit/webby/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml
Hi @cardgameai,
Thank you for the suggestion! This is my first time learning about marketplace actions on GitHub, and I appreciate you pointing out the versatile-pyinstaller action.
However, I want to mention that we might not be able to provide Linux or macOS versions for our next release, as the release date is approaching quickly. We will add a task to explore this option during our next task period. If we can get it to work, we will provide those versions as soon as possible.
Thanks again for your help!