Hey everyone! I've just uploaded to my itch page a live demo of the deVoid UI Framework, which I just open sourced as a contribution to #notGDC. In late 2017 I wrote an article about the architecture I used for games I've worked on in the past, and a lot of people asked for example code, which I couldn't provide back then. Since I rewrote the system for my personal projects, I thought it could be of help to Unity developers out there.
It was built from the ground up with not being opinionated in regards to your overall architecture or implementation style, so it enforces a very simple rule: you can't access your internal UI code from the outside, but everything else is fair game: you're the one who knows how complex your codebase should be. I've used this architecture for shipped games and have been using this implementation of it in development, from game jams to medium/big size games, so it Should Work (TM).
Here's some links:
- The live demo: https://yanko.itch.io/devui
- The main repo on github, where you can find more info and the manual: https://github.com/yankooliveira/uiframework
- The examples repo: https://github.com/yankooliveira/uiframework_examples
- Me on twitter, if you want to shout at any issues you might find: https://twitter.com/yankooliveira
Hope it's helpful to anyone :)