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RPG/VN Isekai Hero Collecting Amare Adventure · By coffeedripstudios

am I bad at gaming.. ? I'M LOST !!

A topic by ୨ yui ୧ created Oct 31, 2024 Views: 367 Replies: 14
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I don't know if I can use this for comments, but I'll try it either way <3


I need serious help, and I'm not even certain if this is because I'm missing something, or I skipped a part of the game that is supposed to help me progress.. but I'm in the sewer part and I find it so hard to beat the boss.. and the thing is, I want to win but it seems inevitable for me to lose

Is this part of the game ?? cause I wanna know if i missed something because this is stressing me out !! (not your fault at all, just the type of gamer I am :3)


Hi yui,

The sewer boss is designed to battle of persistence. If/when you lose for the first time, the dialogue should continue and you can resume exploration of the dungeon. Running into Hydra again is then a random encounter and the damage you inflicted earlier will be kept. The last 10 HP must be defeated in 1 battle or it will heal itself up to 10 HP at the next encounter, so it does require a certain amount of battle composition/bond levels/luck.  In my play testing, it usually takes around 3 times encountering it to defeat it entirely. Let me know if you still have problems with it and I'll consider redesign. Good luck and have blessed RNG! 


oh my god thank you sm with your reply !! i will try that ut now, ill let you know of the results <3


IT WORKED !!!! i am finally out of the sewers.. thank you sm !!!!!!


Yay congrats! I hope you enjoy celebrating with your guild mates on your hard won victory :D


YEP BUT NOW IM STUCK WITH CRAFTING A TOKEN </3 how do i get the materials to craft a token ?


Hi Yui,

to make a token, you must refine a bit first.

Take 5 common drop item ( example 5 scale of water serpent) and use refine option to convert it into a bit of water knight.

Then use craft option to craft 1 token from 1 bit. Ex. bit of water knight crafts into a token of water knight that can be gifted at the tavern to a water knight or  elite Beisel (a water knight). Hope that helps!! (Maybe I should make a refining/crafting guide? I know the menus are kinda clunky >_<;;)


Also taking in account this feedback with another post, I lowered the requirements for refining a bit to 3 and added the chance to run into a black market seller with the wander option in this latest build 2.82. good luck 🤞 


thank you so much for taking your time to reply to my questions <3 


hello again !! so sorry for so many questions but I'm not the smartest person.. how can i obtain the materials to refine something ?? I've tried going back to the sewers or the forest, but it seems like i can't get anything from them (since I am technically done exploring)


Hi Yui,

No need to apologize for asking questions! Im happy to help. As far as gathering materials:

1. When you revisit sewers and win against beasts they drop materials.

2. There is chance to also find material searching the sewers. 

3. Visiting the shops in the forest hideout and Brookhaven they sell 3 different materials daily.

4. Using the wandering option after all story related wandering is done, you have a chance to run into the black market seller who will sell all materials types at a high price. (Added in newest patch  2.82.)

5. Winning battles against beasts, there is a low chance of finding an egg. Bring the egg to the bestiary and hatch it. Feeding it daily will increase its bond level. At higher bond level it will give you 1 material corresponding to it's type daily. 

Let me know if you still have problems! Good luck!


Heyy, I'm also lost rn. Do you have any tips on how to beat the Kraken? I've been trying a few times but I'm still lost 😭

Hope you don't mind ;))


Hi Gurg123, I'm so sorry that your post was stuck in limbo. TBH I didn't know there was such thing as 'pending' posts. I never mind questions like this and I'm just really sorry I didn't see this sooner. If by chance you are still looking for tips on Kraken or anyone else struggle with Kraken, I would firstly reccommend bond 4 with Jeth/Mikaylis or Ashur/Jonas and having Lor bond 6 and/or Samuel bond 6. The combined morale boost for bonds really helps, along with Lor and Samuel's ultimate morale skill. Hope that helps and again Im so sorry!!!  


Hii, TRIPLE SORRY but I've been trying to beat the last bosses in the game (Ashur, Jonas and Eve) and It's a bit complicated for me. Like, for example, I know that the game directly says that you should focus more on the faction bonus when you're going against a beast and lean more on elemental bonus when It's a human, but... Well, I'm a bit confused with how I should go, because even if I try both things at the same time, It doesn't turn out, and if I try one of those, It won't work for me neither. I'm not saying that the game is specially hard, as I've... beat it once, this is my second, but I can't beat it anymore. At this point, I'd suggest that you could add an "skip" choice so the battles doesn't get tiring, and that you no longer get asked about how to beat bosses, too.

... Maybe I should just reload the game from my last run and try to get all the materials. 

Thanks for your attention, and sorry again!!!


Hi Pampanun,

Thank you for sharing your experience and suggestions. I will consider some solutions to make the game less dependant on bond levels and ultimate morale skills for beating the end game encounters. I'll add it to my list of things to address for the next update. Thanks very much for playing. Oh and please don't be sorry for voicing your opinion, I'm very glad to recieve the honest and thoughtful feedback. It's helpful to get more opinions when deciding how much to weigh the situation.