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CanariPack 8BIT TopDown

8/16BIT 16x16 Tileset, Animated Sprites, Music and SFX for your game project! · By Canari Games

Color Palette

A topic by Midox created Mar 28, 2019 Views: 671 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 2


First of all thanks for your package. I've been trying to make a game prototype and so far, using this is very convenient and suitable for my needs. I would try to edit some new sprites myself, but as i would like to keep the atmosphere, is there any chance that you could share with us the color palette you used ?

Thanks for your time and good work.

You can use the tileset in Asesprite to get the palette, or extract it using the tileset as a source in GIMP.

Thank you, as I'm using Krita, I didn't knew about that. Your tip is appreciated.