After giving Update 3 a more detailed readthrough, I find that some of the sections had their games rules... well.. missing? Is this a design choice or is this unintentional?
This include the following:
Actions Chapter, Space Politics Section: Rules regarding Anti-nuke are now missing, the one about restricting nuclear components from being boosted. I can still find the remainder in the Operations section, which makes sense, since Hostile Recruit and Income operations are not in crewed rules.
Upgrades Chapter, Species Capabilities Section: This section is missing, and I can't find any mention of it in ABDL, does crew no longer gain Species Cap when their Physical rating is conditioned?
Ecounters Chapter, Intent Cards Section: TSI-Update2 had included a table used for rolling out Crew/Colonist careers, some of the jobs included are here, no tables though. Are they meant to be included in this section, or are they supposed to have their own section?