Hello, I played your demo very recently, and I would like to purchase the game and some DLCs when you go into the Early Access Phase on Steam. Because of some new (stupid) regulations for the German part of Steam, we can't even see your game in the shop anymore. I wishlishted it a few months ago and I hope you can do something about it, at least when you will release it. I would purchase it here when it's actually complete and the only option left, but I still prefer Steam.
I've read something about a questionnaire from Steam concerning the age rating which needs to be answered from the developers or something. Furthermore, It seems like right now they cut anything down which is rated as adult content/or without an age rating.... -.-
(I apologize if this topic has been discussed already.)
Damn it, I just want more Calderon. Maybe a little June on the side. A spark of Vexx and a pinch of Damon. Ok...maybe I want to play every route anyway...