All future updates/patches will be posted to this thread. Please reach out to me if you're unable to run the game or discover any bugs! Thanks!
v0.94 Changelog - 10/19/2016
- Added basic death animations and sound effects for each enemy
- Added a new player hit sound effect
- Removed old spread and double shot sound effect
v0.93 Changelog - 10/17/2016
- Enemies are now only drawn if they are on screen, fixed a small frame rate dip after respawning/reaching a new checkpoint
- Added 5 new upgrades: Refill HP, Increased Shoot Distance, Increased Fire Rate, Double Shot, and Spread Shot
- Crates can now be found throughout the level containing the newly added upgrades
- Doubled all enemy HP in order help balance the latest upgrades/other minor balance changes
v0.92 Changelog
- Changed some floor tiles in some sections where it was difficult to see the player/enemy bullets
- Rearranged some enemy spawn positions
- Added muzzle flash to all bullet animations
- Added Crates that can be destroyed, upgrades will be hidden inside each crate in a future release
- Prepared enemies to have death animations in a future build
- Removed some palettes that were only displaying 2-3 colors instead of all 4
- Increased the size of the health bar displayed on screen
v0.91 Changelog
- Added longer enemy/player hit blink
- Bullets now explode on impact to help show that an object has been hit
- There is now a "Congrats you win!" screen after defeating the final boss
- Made a small change to the player walk cycle