Hey everyone, I'd like to introduce 'BumpN RoLL'!
https://crushdigital.itch.io/bumpn-roll << --
It was obviously inspired to scratch the same itch that PacMan did, but don't be fooled into thinking that it's only a clone. Learn the 'Drift & Snap' mechanics, and the 'Soft Corners' turn assist system to master the Twitch Movement mechanics.
Travel the Levels collecting enough Energy to help RoLL escape. As you navigate, you'll need to avoid the various enemy types and obstacles. Use the Dash ability (1 per level) to get out of dangerous situations. Use the collected PowerUps to destroy enemies and send them back to their Spawnpoint.
As you get more skilled, you can focus on your HighScore. The faster you complete the level, the Higher your Score. Discover score multipliers like the 4 Phase system There are many score multipliers and secrets on each level. It's up to you to unlock them with experimentation.
BumpN RoLL is a tribute to the original arcade games & the arcades themselves.
It's FREE to play and just might become your new addiction.
Thank you for playing and we hope you look forward to the Full Release!
Here are a few screens . . . . .