So this is not the full version of palm lab,just demo?
Palm Island sequel - the free bw pnp colored in · By
It's good enough, honestly!
The PnP for Palm Island was similar in that it didn't include all of the cards (or color). In any case, it should be good enough for solo play.
BTW, Kosterix, I just want to express my gratitude that you've offered this version at such a reasonable cost (it makes sense it's what it is since you took the time to color it in, but at the same time you don't want to charge too much for a game you didn't make). In my situation, I only have a grayscale printer so it mattered not whether it was colored in at all, BUT I will agree with you that the art was lacking.
Don't get me wrong, the ART ISN'T BAD, it's just the colors were really loud throughout the entire card. There's a lot going on in the cards and giving the background and foreground the same color attention is a lot for me to visually process. Looking at screenshots of the game, I notice there is a light white 'aura' around the icons of interest, but it would have been better to just done down the entire background instead of going all in like the artist did.
After further research, it looks like the art direction was influenced by another game called CoLab and the designer wanted to keep the characters the same between both games. In any case, the more information is packed onto a card, the more attention the card needs in the UI/UX department.
Anyway, thanks again Kosterix! I'm a very happy camper with your minimalist version!