Hi! Guess who had the idea of dedicating the entire month of November to learning game dev and then found out there’s a yearly game jam that, coincidentally, happens in November! Me :,) I am very into horror, particularly quiet horror. Bonus points if it’s filled with metaphors and conversations about emotional or philosophical topics. So, naturally, when I saw that this year’s theme was ‘secrets’, my mind immediately went towards darker directions.
I hope you enjoy it!
Short description: A psychiatrist hopes to get some insight into his patient’s life by paying a visit to his now empty house.
Long description: Short point-and-click adventure where you walk around a rotting house. Inspired by H.P Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" and Mike Flanagan's adaptation of "The Haunting of Hill House." ~20 minutes of gameplay assuming you interact with every object.