Can't find a download file for the Day 7 soundtrack
There's even a warning on the discreet EP page that it's included if you've bought the calendar. Am I being dense? Please help. I'm old and confused by technology. I have become my parents. Versions of windows being born, living, growing and slowly dying to make way for the next generation - a digital pet. And I'd mastered the old one. Well, if not mastered, I was more able at it than the average person.
Then it died and the next generation arrived and I looked back and saw the shape of it. This is when the elephants tusks get too worn down and it gets slower and has to be supported by the community. No one elephant looks after him, and he's not the only one. And like when ice bubbles into steam before becoming water, I'm crossing from one generation to the next. Be patient because it'll be on you before you know it. The end draweth ever nigh.
And I'd quite like a soundtrack to lessen the misery - if anyone could help... well, you'll get nothing but a fuzzy warm feeling inside.