Starmaker Story · By Arvus Games
How can i transfer my save folder from 1.3B to 1.4A?
So i loaded this game from itch and i can't find those folder
In this folder user/appdata/locallow/arvusgamesYou might have 2 folders, 'Starmaker Story' and 'Starmaker Story 1.3B' copy the 'save.json' file from the B folder to the other other one. Copy the save files somewhere else just incase.
Sadly, there's no "locallow" file and arvusgames in my laptop
Edit: I found it now, I just didn't notice it. I apologies.
or you can just rename the folder "Starmaker Story 1.3B" to "Starmaker Story" like said in the Starmaker 1.4 Devlog
However, should i delete "Starmaker Story 1.4A" and rename 1.3B to "Starmaker Story"
if you only have a save in 1.3B this work yes. You should just have one folder named "Starmaker Story" with your save in it