Simple but fun lander game for the ZX Spectrum.
The year is 1569 and Portugal developed a crazy space program for the time, using a cannon to toss a lander into lunar orbit.
The lander is called Lua and is made of, well, wood. What else? The vertical thrust system is a homemade jet of sewage water, however, the lateral guidance system is state of the art and stabilised to avoid drifting.
Try to land on the green pads, by keeping the vertical speed denoted by VY below 5.8 m/s. Horizontal/vertical controls do not work at the same time!
This project started out as a way to learn Z80 assembly but eventually I switched to ZX BASIC from Boriel, which provides a nice statically typed and compiled dialect of the BASIC language. The game is simple and has some rough edges, however it proved funny enough to play and thus I decided to share it for free, both in binary and source forms. Hopefully it can be both enjoyable to play and a learning asset for anyone interested in retro game development.
Get it here: